
Care Services: are specialists in managing out of hours calls for clients who need to be handled in a delicate and sensitive manner.

It is crucial that when a caller is distressed or upset for whatever reason that they are handled by a care specialist who knows exactly how to calm the situation and give the reassurance that is needed.

Sensitivity is at the forefront of all the minds of the team. From dealing with people who need counselling, bereaved clients who require funeral services, NHS patients who require a nurse out of hours, to clients who are traumatised, our highly trained operators will ensure that the utmost care is taken in handling the call and that all information is obtained accurately so that appropriate after care can take place. operators have the expertise that you need to ensure that your clients receive sensitive handling when you are unable to handle the call yourselves.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Call Screening:

We can tailor a call screening process specific to your requirements. We can help you with the following;

  • Screening applicants from a job advertisement based purely on the criteria you are looking for, ensuring you only receive information for appropriate candidates
  • Screening calls so that any persistent sales calls or nuisance calls are not put through
  • If you are expecting an important call we can screen your calls so that only people you want to speak to are put through.

You are able to use our call screening service as and when you need it so you are not tied into any contract. It works very much like a ‘pay as you go’ service and ensures you receive a cost effective service.

We can offer you 24 hour cover, 365 days of the year. All calls are recorded and they will be handled by a real person, not by a frustrating message or automated system.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Customer Services:

You can’t place too much importance on customer service. It is integral to how you do business and ultimately impacts on what your customer will think about you. We can offer you extensive support in this area by providing the following;

  • We will ensure that all your calls are answered professionally and that you have a productive communication channel with your customers. No calls will be answered by an answering machine or automated message.
  • We can offer a complete customer services department for your business should you want it.
  • We can tailor the service to your needs, ensuring that your customers are listened to, any complaints are handled effectively and we will go that extra mile to make sure that your customer is valued.

Our cost effective, pay as you go solution to your customer service requirements is available 24/7, 365 days of the year.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Advertising & Marketing Response:

Any advertising or marketing that you do needs to be monitored so that you understand how successful it has been. We can help you with this. Our advertising and marketing response service can provide you with the following;

  • Implementation of an effective system so that you can identify where your sales leads are coming from
  • We will answer your calls using your company name ensuring a professional first point of contact for your business
  • We can send information to you based on your needs i.e. a daily report or real time statistics so that you can keep a close eye on your advertising/marketing campaign

We will tailor our service to your requirements and help you get a better understanding of what is and what isn’t working with your campaign.
To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Message Taking:

Our professionally trained operators can act as a virtual receptionist for your business. They are highly skilled in all aspects of call handling from straightforward message taking to escalating calls.

We offer a 24/7, 365 days a year service so we can handle your messages and pass them onto you when you are ready, ensuring your customers the flexibility of service that your competitors may not be offering and giving you that all-important competitive advantage.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Appointment Making and Diary Management:

Business life is often very hectic, in and out of meetings, on the road all the time etc it is exceptionally difficult to manage your diary and give your customers the service they need, especially the new ones. This is where we can help you. We can offer you the following;

  • Manage your diary and appointments so that you don’t miss any calls or lose business
  • Make appointments for you
  • Keep you regularly informed of any changes that may affect your schedule

We are here to make your life easier.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Brochure Request Lines:

If you are using a brochure as part of your promotional campaign then we can handle the requests for them. We can offer you a complete service from handling the brochure request straight through to sending them out to your customers.

We can also provide a follow-up service to take orders that arise from the brochure request.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Disaster Recovery:

Sometimes the worse does happen and your business can really suffer from the consequences. If you lose your ability to communicate with your customers this could lead to bigger problems and losing the customer completely. We are here to stop that from happening.

We can provide a comprehensive disaster recovery service to help restore communications.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Emergency call out and escalation:

Outsourcing your emergency call out and escalation to is a wise move. The costs involved in running and maintaining a 24/7 helpdesk can be huge. We can take this cost away from you by managing your team out of hours.

If you have a specialist worker in a certain trade, industry or region, we can identify them and ensure that any emergency out of hours call is directed to them. We can do this via phone, SMS, email or even onto their PDA.

Our emergency call out service can be tailored specific to your requirements.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.


The initial contact that you have with a customer when they telephone you is crucial in establishing a good rapport. Answer machines are not always helpful in achieving this. Nobody likes to be kept waiting and getting an engaged tone or being left in a queue can be frustrating for a customer. When somebody is trying to call you it is good practice to have that call handled by a real person. This is where we can help you.

We know that it’s extremely difficult for businesses to answer their calls all the time so by arranging your calls to be diverted to us at your discretion, you can ensure that you never miss a call. You are in complete control of when you want to put your calls on divert and you can do this at any time of the day, any day of the year and have the peace of mind that your call is being handled by a professionally trained operator who will represent your business in the best possible way.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Order taking/sales order lines

There are many people who still prefer to talk to a person when undertaking a sales transaction. They would rather do this than type their credit card details into a website. We can offer you a 24/7, 365 day service for your business and take your sales orders over the phone.

Our highly skilled operators can process your orders, answer product and delivery queries, and take the credit card details from your customers. This gives your customers the peace of mind that the transaction is completely secure.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Virtual reception and PA services

Hiring a virtual pa is significantly more cost effective than employing somebody in your own company to perform the task. Our virtual reception and pa service will assist you with appointment making, diary management, call handling and all the other services you would associate with a pa such as booking restaurants and hotels, arranging the sending of flowers etc

We will tailor the service to your needs with the aim of making your life easier so that you can concentrate on your business.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.

Help Desk can offer out of hours call handling support to IT and software companies. We are able to screen your calls so that your staff are not disturbed by sales calls or people who don’t have cover. Only relevant calls will be passed through.

We offer a 24/7, 365 days a year service and can tailor it to your needs, fit in with your rotas, and escalate calls when appropriate to the correct person designated by you.

To find out more about this service please call us on 0330 122 1239 or email through the contact us section.